Welcome To HCF
Over the year Human care Foundation has developed in house team of qualified and experienced professionals in the field of behavioural Sciences, Training, Technology, Medical, Finance, Economics, Cost Accountancy, Market Researches etc.
A large number of professionals associated are serving even in rural areas for the betterment of society, through training, employment, education and health & family welfare.
Human Care Foundation operates in close co-operation with various state & central government departments, financial institutions, R&D institutions for need based area specific technical inputs. With its head office in New Delhi and branches in different states it is better positioned to offer its better services to human care in general and particularly rural areas.
Know About Us
Let's Make You Understand What We Do
The Human Care Foundation was established and registered in 2000 for the upliftment of marginalized sections of the society. The aim of the Foundation is to create a healthy and resourceful society within next ten years. Our overall guiding themes are education, health and poverty alleviation. The specific objectives are to.
- Enhance knowledge and provide skill-development training for livelihood development.
- Spreading IT Literacy to the Youth
- Undertake slum development surveys and prepare plans for development
- Provide training to women and making them self sustainable and financially independent
- Promote health and environment education by booklets, pamphlets, magazines, and other outreach material
- Provide health scanning services for the urban poor
- Maintain medical centres, dispensaries and community centres for the sick, helpless, elders and poor
- CSR Implementation